Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween 2010

It's been a while since I've been on this blog. Since I've been back to work, I'm having a hard time blogging at least once a goal. It's been 3 months and a lot has happened since then. Here is what we did for Halloween...I'll post on another day the exciting things we did this month since Kaleo just woke up and need to make lunch and get ready for church soon. Enjoy the pictures!

Kaleohano and I dressed up for Halloween. Daddy was a party pooper and didn't want to dress up. The kids wanted me to be Lady Ga Ga but I think that would have been too over the top for me...Gwen Stephani was the best I could do with Kaleo as my little army guy.

La'akea and Braeden had so much fun collecting candy!

Makaio was the only one that would stop and pose for a picture. His bag was almost empty. He does not have a sweet tooth so he was not interested in getting much candy. His brothers on the other hand, La'a and Kama, filled their bags! I didn't get much pictures of La'a and Kama because they were running around and not still long enough for me to get some good photos...I did get a few though.

Makaio spent most of the night playing all of the games and activities.

I got lots of pictures of Makaio because he hardly went around collecting candy!

Makaio was hanging out with Zephen most of the night.

Here is Makaio taking a pizza break by the Toss the Bean Bag in the Pumpkin's mouth game.

Did Batman Have RED Boots? Kamalei wears them everywhere!

Here's Tessa looking like a beautiful Egyptian Princess!

Here is Meah with her friend Kawena...did I get that right Beth?

Here's little Addi with her friend Kawehi...I always get Kilinoe's daughters mixed up!

Here is a better picture so you can see the entire costume.

I couldn't figure out what Alaka'i was supposed to be for Halloween...can someone help me figure that out?

Kahiau was a cute Batgirl.

I guess when you are a junior in high school, it's not fun to dress up for Halloween? Makoa was helping out with the games and Kekai wouldn't pose for a picture! She was a Kapaa High School athlete...uh but isn't she that every day?

Kamalei was "Batman."

Makaio was a skeleton...I thought he was a cute skeleton even though we were trying to paint his face to look scary.

La'akea was the "Death Messenger," and I think his friend Braeden was "Einstein" or some "Mad Scientist." We went to Kapaa 1st Ward's Halloween Activity.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to Reality! The End of Summer Vacation!

Oh how I wish it was summer! Today makes 2 full weeks of work for me. To give you an idea of how exhausted I am...for the last 2 Fridays I have taken a nap from 4pm to 6pm! I guess it's a combination of waking up twice a night (at 1am and 4am) to nurse Kaleohano, waking up at 6 am everyday to get ready for work, not being able to take a nap, taking care of the 4 childrens' various needs after-school, and going to bed every night at 10:30.

Since no one wanted to cook dinner tonight, after I woke up at 6pm, we decide to go to town to buy dinner. When we got home, I decided to take a few pictures of Kaleohano since most of our pictures of him are taken when he is asleep. He was finally awake for a long time since he slept for 5 hours for Matt today while I was at work! I wish he would sleep 5 straight hours at night so I could get some rest!
Kamalei loves to hold his baby brother!

Look at that face! Adorable...yet...Rascal!

My chubby cheeks! And double chins!

Like night and day! In color and personality!

Kamalei is about 3 and 1/2 years old and Kaleohano is 3 and 1/2 months old.

I couldn't get Kaleohano to smile for me at the camera...

But he was getting very excited kicking his legs and waving his arms around so much...his skin started getting all sweaty and clammy.

I wish I could stay at home and spend more time with my cutie pie!
I miss him so much when I'm at work. At least next week is only a 4 day work week. Yay!

Cub Scouts 100 Year Celebration!

After swimming graduation, we went home to rest a bit and then we went to the 100 year Boy Scouts of America Celebration and Kukui Grove Center for a Light Ceremony.

They opened with the Flag Ceremony and the Pledge of Alligence.

While people were speaking and the video was going on, La'akea looked pretty bored poking at his balloon. The event was an hour and a half...too long for little ones!

The younger ones were pretty bored so it was a good thing that there were balloons to entertain them and cake and juice for afterwards too!

Ryan and Kamalei were getting into mischief. Luckily Leonard is in Young Mens and Ryan was there to keep Kama company.

Say cheese! I finally got Kamalei to stay still so I could get a shot of him with the balloon.

We had to tie the balloon to his wrist so it wouldn't fly away.

Kaleohano...once again sleeping through another activity! He is such a good baby!

The momentous occasion of father and son at the candlelight ceremony celebrating 100 years of scouting. We will definitely not be around to see this event again in another hundred years!


The moment we've all been waiting for...

we get to light the candles!!

La'akea's cub scout leaders...Aunty Nora, Aunty Eileen, and Grandma Linda. Our ward brought the old timers back to revive our scouting program and I think we have the best pack on the island now! They sure know what they are doing and the kids are really enjoying it!

This was the best part of the night. To see all the candles lit down every row of chairs.

Happy 100 years Boy Scouts of America!

2010 Swimming Graduation

On Saturday, July 31, 2010 was Swimming Graduation. We decided to sign up La'akea and Makaio for Beginners swimming lessons...again.
The classes were 3 days a week for 3 weeks in July.

This time La'akea was the first one to swim across the length of the pool...freestyle to get his graduation medal! I think he'll be ready for the Advanced swimming class next summer!
Makaio, as usual said it was easy so we hope he is strong enough to handle swimming two lengths of the pool with 2 different strokes next year so he can be in the Advanced class with La'akea. We want them both to be in the Advanced class so we won't have to stay at the pool for 2 and 1/2 hours to wait for the both of them in 2 different classes (Beginners AND Advanced).

Kamalei was ready for swimming lessons from last year! Little does he know he can't take lessons until he is 5! 2 more years Kamalei! He thought he was part of the class and wanted to sit with his big brothers at the edge of the pool.

He is definitely fearless as he kept going down the stairs to go into the pool and hold on to the sides... he has no idea how to swim. Ugh! Scary!

The lessons are free and every year all the county asks you to do is to provide $10 worth of prizes per child, to throw into the pool AND to bring food for the potluck at graduation.

People bring bubbles, beach balls, capri sun juices, ice pops, and this year Aunty Amber put 20 $1.00 bills in ziplock bags! The kids love it! They swim for the things they want while the parents wait on the side with plastic bags for them to collect their little prizes. La'a went for a plastic sword first and Makaio went for a beach ball and some kind of floatation device...basically the biggest thing in the pool!

And here's Kamalei...who still thinks he can swim all by himself and is not afraid to go into the pool all by himself! He freaks me out! I was on deck carrying Kaleohano and taking pictures...hoping Kamalei would not drown!