Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to Reality! The End of Summer Vacation!

Oh how I wish it was summer! Today makes 2 full weeks of work for me. To give you an idea of how exhausted I am...for the last 2 Fridays I have taken a nap from 4pm to 6pm! I guess it's a combination of waking up twice a night (at 1am and 4am) to nurse Kaleohano, waking up at 6 am everyday to get ready for work, not being able to take a nap, taking care of the 4 childrens' various needs after-school, and going to bed every night at 10:30.

Since no one wanted to cook dinner tonight, after I woke up at 6pm, we decide to go to town to buy dinner. When we got home, I decided to take a few pictures of Kaleohano since most of our pictures of him are taken when he is asleep. He was finally awake for a long time since he slept for 5 hours for Matt today while I was at work! I wish he would sleep 5 straight hours at night so I could get some rest!
Kamalei loves to hold his baby brother!

Look at that face! Adorable...yet...Rascal!

My chubby cheeks! And double chins!

Like night and day! In color and personality!

Kamalei is about 3 and 1/2 years old and Kaleohano is 3 and 1/2 months old.

I couldn't get Kaleohano to smile for me at the camera...

But he was getting very excited kicking his legs and waving his arms around so much...his skin started getting all sweaty and clammy.

I wish I could stay at home and spend more time with my cutie pie!
I miss him so much when I'm at work. At least next week is only a 4 day work week. Yay!


  1. love it salynn! the kids are beautiful. sorry we missed you over the summer. only 1 trip to kaua'i this summer for us, and it was a short one. we'll catch up soon. love to you all.

  2. Ok is Kaleo not the cutest baby in the whole world. I love that kid. YOu make such cute boys. :)
